Friday, June 21, 2013

Creativity with Food & Videos. Education for Change.

This is creativity  . . . in the kitchen.  What happens when a Music selector makes mashed visual alchemy with a visual artist?
This brilliance.  Enjoy this week's Rhymes and Rhythm Wrap up with two great videos:

Artist Driven | What's Cookin? from LRG on Vimeo.

And now with a strong message on exposing the ills of our modern food systems.  Showcasing the need to take responsibility for our food security, to choose wisely in the world of greed in the seed industry.  What happens when we only are given access to food products that don't nourish us on a cellular level but rather stuff a slow 'death down our throat'?  Dr. Vandana Shiva said it best, "It's more dangerous than bombs."  Let's eat foods that grew naturally from nutrient-rich soil.  Let's support permaculture, bio-dynamic farming practices, small-scale local organic farms--but most of all, turn your community into an edible landscape.  Peace to grass lawns, yes to green beans and wheat grass.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell

    There's a film to be made.  What's the movie all about?
SANTO 7.13.15 is a story that shows our future in 2045 when over population has reached critical levels and food supply can't keep up with demand.

  Read more about it here, and see if film entertainment can actually change people's choices and work to change policy . ..  for our future.

 Back it here:  KICKSTARTER: SANTO 7. 13. 15

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It all started with her love for maps.

jacked from Hannah Wayte

  It all started with her love for maps.  

   Ever since her big brother started darting his journeys on a globe, Athena knew she wanted to travel.  Through her adolescence, she spent summer breaks visiting her yiayia (grandma) in Greece and road tripped through Europe with her uncle, Terry.  She migrated North from her hometown, Evanston, IL and attended Michigan State University to study Education and theories around the globe.  She used studying abroad as a vessel to experience different parts of the world, and with her camera in tow, she completed short and long-term programs in Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Brasil, South Africa, Greece, and Spain.  After college, she taught 2nd grade in Honduras and travelled through Central America.  Later, she founded an after-school arts & environment program and managed a surf Eco-lodge in Nicargua with her South African husband, Chris.  In 2008, they returned to South Africa to begin a new adventure, where her passion for food, film, language and nature collided in the city of Cape Town.

Friday, June 14, 2013

We Can Help Eachother Flourish

Original embroidery by Nina Montenegro

 convey messages
relate to global issues, systems thinking, and communal concerns.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turkey in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action | Indiegogo

What will placing an ad in the New York Times do?  This is just one of the ways messages can be spread and advertisements for what we can change rather than profit gain.  

This could also be done to overcome other issues that are even embedded in culture.  To reverse the use of Rhino horn.  To support non-GMO foods.  To take responsibility for eachother, in solidarity.

What is Happening in Turkey? 

People of Turkey have spoken: We will not be oppressed!

Millions are outraged by the violent reaction of their government to a peaceful protest aimed at saving Istanbul’s Gezi Park.

Outraged, yet not surprised.

Over the course of Prime Minister Erdoğan’s ten-year term, we have witnessed a steady erosion of our civil rights and freedoms. Arrests of numerous journalists, artists, and elected officials and restrictions on freedom of speech, minorities’ and women’s rights all demonstrate that the ruling party is not serious about democracy.

Time and again, the Prime Minister has mocked and trivialized his nation’s concerns while Turkey’s own media have remained shamefully silent.

The people protesting bravely throughout Turkey are ordinary citizens. We span several generations and represent a spectrum of ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, ideological, sexual, and gender identities. We stand united because of our concern for Turkey’s future. Our future.

We demand an end to police brutality.
We demand a free media.
We demand open democratic dialogue between citizens and those elected to public service, not the dictates of special interests.
We demand an investigation of the government’s recent abuse of power, which has led to the loss of innocent lives.

Join the conversation and stand with us in solidarity.

Crowdfunded Entirely by Concerned Individuals from Around the World

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

World Environment Day is Every Day!

Acknowledge and Respect our planet by choosing to eat foods produced by nature.

Learn how to make delicious nourishing food that sustains our soil, our Earth and in return develops a stronger and smarter planet. 

For more inspiration, watch films like Hungry For Change, Food Inc, Food Matters, and the GMO debate: The World according to Monsanto

Let's be a part of the change that teaches children about proper healthy simple nutrition that is not funded by processed white flour food product companies, corn fructose flavours and milk chocolate sugar fake energy bars.

The better we eat, the better we learn, the easier to protect and develop our planet into a healthy home for every living organism.

Happy World Environment Day!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Collective Poetry

A love virgin beneath a canopy of cupcakes, technicolour. With a shot glass full of intrepidation. Oh, but now I love to be by the sea. Surrounded by nymphs celebrating love.A dog keeps us company, cupcakes and champagne on the table. Oh, how I love to be by the sea. Crash boom, bang. It is beautiful to be alone.  It is beautiful to be in love. to be with people and they are complimentary. Not contradictory. Evole evolution. Love Revolution. Living in this warrioress light of infiltration.  Love born in the sultry of the east coast summer, travelled and wisened abroad, settled in the cape where oceans meet, and we feast on the grape, wine, wonderful wenches weekend, what could be happier than celebrating our goddess of virginity, fertility, verility, femininity-champagne and tea! Oh the magic & wonder of the bride to be . . . The valkyrie bliss she brings to me. The great virgin of love, the purest abundant dove. Your union of dreams makes us burst at the seams.  Purple-lilac roller on your solar-flying plane. Your vibe keeps the love breathing, respiring, through violet flashing wings. Love songs with love . ..  For my Tina Athena . . . You are: Beautiful, inspirational, creative spirited.  The love you share with Chris is blissful bountiful and beautiful!  May it be a beacon of light & hope to all . . . A brilliant light a chocolate delight every starry night I see you in sight...soon you’ll take flight LIVE BRIGHT. Holy schmolly miss wiggamolly, nolly 
  written by 10 women on a weekend away in Yzerfontein, South Africa.


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