Showing posts with label womynhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label womynhood. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Collective Poetry

A love virgin beneath a canopy of cupcakes, technicolour. With a shot glass full of intrepidation. Oh, but now I love to be by the sea. Surrounded by nymphs celebrating love.A dog keeps us company, cupcakes and champagne on the table. Oh, how I love to be by the sea. Crash boom, bang. It is beautiful to be alone.  It is beautiful to be in love. to be with people and they are complimentary. Not contradictory. Evole evolution. Love Revolution. Living in this warrioress light of infiltration.  Love born in the sultry of the east coast summer, travelled and wisened abroad, settled in the cape where oceans meet, and we feast on the grape, wine, wonderful wenches weekend, what could be happier than celebrating our goddess of virginity, fertility, verility, femininity-champagne and tea! Oh the magic & wonder of the bride to be . . . The valkyrie bliss she brings to me. The great virgin of love, the purest abundant dove. Your union of dreams makes us burst at the seams.  Purple-lilac roller on your solar-flying plane. Your vibe keeps the love breathing, respiring, through violet flashing wings. Love songs with love . ..  For my Tina Athena . . . You are: Beautiful, inspirational, creative spirited.  The love you share with Chris is blissful bountiful and beautiful!  May it be a beacon of light & hope to all . . . A brilliant light a chocolate delight every starry night I see you in sight...soon you’ll take flight LIVE BRIGHT. Holy schmolly miss wiggamolly, nolly 
  written by 10 women on a weekend away in Yzerfontein, South Africa.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Beautify what is Already Beautiful"- International Women's Day

"This photo was taken in the sacred Cecelia Forest in Cape Town by Nadegé Sanz. With it I want to honour and celebrate the pure beauty of every woman and girl on this International Woman's day. I celebrate your sacred body, I kiss your every curve and fold, wrinkle and stretch mark, every ripple of fat. I encourage you to honour yourself too, even when others don't, to free your own spirit, to respect your own body, to treat it with love and awe. You are a warrior, you are an artist, you are a healer, you deserve your own love first, without the approval of others. Shine your brilliant light from inside, dance wildly, swim naked, walk bare foot. At a time that we are so judged, so misused, so misunderstood, so labelled, so hated, so violated, may we make our own selves whole and complete again, as we entered this make up, no cloth to smother, cover or beautify what is already beautiful. We require no one's permission to do this. Only our own. Our own love."  words by Ernestine Deane

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What All Parents Should Do . . .

Tina Fey: I want to thank my parent's for somehow raising me to have the confidence disproportionate with my looks and abilities.  Well done, that is what all parent's should do.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bahamadia-Legend MC

   How come it took so long for me to come across the cunning crisp wordpoetress!?  This is what happens when you share music on a Sunday afternoon-you get the missing links to your music library.

  I'm inspired by her rhythmic flow and the platforms from which she expresses her wordplay. Manic Xsplosive Spontaneity.  Well explained, pure art form in lyrical soulfood.

 Her track, CommonWealth (Cheap Chicks) had me laughing, taking me back to my teenage years inside TJ Maxx.

   Play here:
   Bahamadia & Hezekiah: Gypsy Slang Track
Spontaneity cut

Friday, July 15, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Life in Smoke

The image I found from my friend Evz as her avatar. I don't know where it comes from but the emotion behind it speaks loud.  A Girl-Womyn inhaling her life in smoke.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Creating spaces that make you smile, motivate you to create, inspire, bring comfort and balance.


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