Showing posts with label earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2013

Eid Mubarak

 athena lamberis

 athena lamberis

 athena lamberis

  Eid Mubarak to people around the globe.  My interest in reading, sharing, writing and documenting moments in people's lives around food grows.  Here are some images  I captured and found that bring and smile to my face.

source: kreativita FB

market in Malaysia.  Financial Time Blog

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Inspiration for 100 in 1 Day Cape Town: Let's Plant Some shit.

When the problem becomes the solution: FOOD.  Growing it and sharing the seeds for a healthy future.  Props to "Let's Plant some SHIT!"  Ron Finley's talk gave insight on what motivated him and his team to grow edible usable greens.
LA Green Grounds is an inspiration to create action, intervention, share ideas.  

On a Cape Town ground level: I wonder what we could come up with at 100 in 1 day: Cape Town facilitated by Kaospilots

On May 25th, 100 in 1 day: Cape Town will be a citizen driven festival of doing, that let's us realise our dreams we want to see and create in our city just like Ron Finley did.   

 I want to see food forests and fruit trees to be at bus stops.  When I walk my dog, I can also bring a bag and pick fruits in my neighbourhood along the way.  I do find fruit trees where I can . . . here are some of my recipes from The Culinary Linguist.

An interesting fact:

"Why did Jan Van Riebeeck plant roses in the Cape? Not for cut flowers, but for rose water"

 - Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche - South African storytelling on a plate (from her talk at EatOut Food Network DsTV Conference in Cape Town)

Now I don't feel so bad picking lemons occasionally from Company Garden's lemon tree in the rose bush section.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

World Rhino Day 2012: Do you care if Rhinos disappear?


 Our Earth loses 2 rhinos a day due to acts of killing these endangered animals for money.

 Rhinos are poached predominantly for exotic animal-part trade or medicinal mythical cures-medical ideas that have been scientifically proven to not treat or cure what they are advertised for.

 The value of protecting rhinos needs to be taught in order to replace the value of trading their parts.  Poaching is not the only problem, but it is the most important one to stop as educational projects and programmes can reverse the idea that the demand for them is necessary.

   A man in South Africa, as seen in NHU Africa's Saving Rhino Phila has begun to farm as a way to influence a flood of rhinos horns into the marketplace, thus reducing their price and striving to maintain a healthy rhino population. But farming rhinos is not a solution as it doesn't eliminate the myths of these medical 'cures' and provides a 'safe' place for killing animals that will be may one day be called "previous wildlife, now cattle".  Although there are other human-caused risks to rhinos, it is imperative to stop poaching these animals and supporting positive wildlife conservation education.

  Human-centric ideas such as rhino horn uses for human consumption only decrease the longevity of our wildlife and will drive them into extinction.  We have a responsibility to our planet to work towards becoming wildlife conservation activists in our own capacity.

  Chris Mason from Natural History Unit Africa, produced and directed this Public Service Announcement, PSA, for World Rhino Day 2012: a Call for action to support Anti-poaching projects by WESSA, The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa. They filmed it on Kloof Street, Cape Town City Bowl, on a timelapse and reversed the Mak 1 One art piece into a disappearing artpiece.

  It asks a question:  Do you care if Rhino's disappear?  

    Let's hope this message and many other efforts allow us to care everyday to take responsibility to the stop of poaching.  

  Ideas to combat poaching through education projects are welcome to be shared here.

  Other artists share concern about the killing of Rhinos.  The Wooster Collective showcased words and pictures from another prolific Cape Town based graffiti aerosol artist, Faith47,  painting in Shanghai, click here to see and read.  She brought the spirit of African Rhinos into Asia.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Athena and Chris Go to Madagascar.

  Husband and wife team weave visuals and syntax about Madagascar.   Read all about it here on Wavescape's breaking news story:  I Like to Move it : In depth about the Malagasy travels!

 and yes, it was our honeymoon.              Thank you TrueBlue Travel for organising a sweet trip!

Pirogues in in Fort Dauphin Tolagnaro-Libanona Bay

Beer at Talinjoo

Young Malagasy girl braving the warm yet winter Indian ocean

Learning French and Malagasy along the way in order to get a meal!

We thought this Lemur reminded us of Desmond Tutu-blessing us with his wisdom of the forests

What Madagascar produces: Vanilla

Young Malagasy boy fishing from a handline in Fort Dauphin Tolagnaro

Reef fish off the coast in Fort Dauphin, Tolagnaro

Ring-tailed Lemur in the Nahampoana Reserve

Friday, March 11, 2011

Imported from Detroit

"This is what we do"

  Make cars?

Detroit is more than just a Motor City.  
 Imagine Metro-Detroit urban sprawl contracted back towards the center?
How would it grow?
Would we build it up with auto tire building material?
Would it become Tire city? Earthship City?  A prized example of environmental design?
Will the Motor City continue to progress by using old practices or innovating new ones?

This picture was taken July 2010: Heidelberg Project, Detroit

Detroit City has more features to build upon than Eminem, Fox Theatre and Chrysler Commercials.  There is room to define "This is what we do" and there are images from Detriot that will be shared to provoke positive questions and a redefinition of Detroit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inhumane Energy

Source: via Athena on Pinterest           How can we reverse damage already done to the environment in Ecuador and our brothers and sisters who have been affected by the pollutants?

We can start to clean what has already been damaged by not tolerating inhumane systems of power and economy. I hope this case is a call to form better plans for our future and take on our power to make a change.
“The case really sends a message that companies operating in the undeveloped world cannot rely on a compliant government or lax environmental rules as a way of permanently insulating themselves from liability,” said Robert Percival, a law professor and director of the environmental law program at the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore. Click for more 

An apology is due but the money stays in those deep pockets fueling more greed and manipulation. Read more en espanol 
 If business' continue to practice in inhumane systems, then a call for compassion and innovation is pending for us to make change.  Let's create a more sustainable form and can we agree on what is sustainable?  

 "Everything lost can be found again in a new form and a new way" -Roan Robbins

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oceans: See Life

 I saw the nature documentary film, Oceans, by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud.

 Visually stunning footage of life below captivating me to sea/see life instead of sea/see food and understanding a human role of not using the Ocean as a commercial source but rather as a part of our living natural cycle.

 I read that human's blood and seawater are almost identical in chemical constituency. The Ocean is our life line, not in terms of being a source of seafood, but in seeing life and respecting it.

The Ocean produces half of the Earth's oxygen, so in making efforts to help reverse the negative human impacts to the ocean, you can decide if you are waiting to inhale.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oceans: From the dark depth to the light of the surface . . .

The kelp laid on the sand like calligraphy. I was struck by these huge brown algaes laying on the sand, each telling it's story. I took these in 2008 when I first moved to Cape Town, KELPstaad a.k.a iKELPa. It was sunset at Long Beach, Kommetjie.


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