Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Funny Thing about Social Media - see what happens in real life . . .

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 Social Media is an amazing tool however when the word 'media' gets replaced with "real life experiment, see what happens when the LED screen is no longer between you and the people you are connected with.

  Check out this clever improv video of the delightfully cheeky Jena Kingsley.

She explains: " Social networking is completely out of control these days. But do the things we do online make sense in real life? Follow me as as I test social media activity on unsuspecting New Yorkers! I partnered with Relationship Science and their new app MINE by RelSci ( "

Monday, March 17, 2014

Public art meets crowd-funding for social change #ANOTHERLIGHTUP in Cape Town, South Africa

 On De Waal Drive, driving out of the city bowl in Cape Town, South Africa, you have the view of the Cape peninsula's valley also known to many people as The Flats.  The Flats extends all the way to areas like Monwabisi, a sub-area of Khayelitsha, one of Cape Town's most populated districts.

 On that same drive, you can see the new Urban Visionary, a multi-storey mural and light installation created by the founders of Thingking and artist Faith47.  They collaborated on the new design and have enabled public street art to be a catalyst for change through crowdfunding for a social cause.  They aim to raise funds for public street lights to be installed in Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha, through the organisation VPUU (Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading).  For every light that is funded for in Monwabisi, the Urban Visionary mural is lit up in the evening- inspiring and engaging more people to become more active members in their society through #anotherlightup

 To read more about it here and to donate to #anotherlightup:

About the project | #ANOTHERLIGHTUP

#ANOTHERLIGHTUP from Design Indaba on Vimeo.

The mural on the same wall before Feb 2014 Urban Visionary #anotherlightup was put up

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Learn the ism's: Consumerism Lyric Video-Lauryn Hill

"Television running through them like an organism"

If you haven't learned all your scism's and ism's, Lauryn Hill's will teach you on her new track Consumerism.  In her official statement she says, “Messages like these, I imagine find their audience, or their audience finds them, like water seeking it’s level.

Lauryn Hill – Consumerism Lyrics | Rap Genius

Monday, October 21, 2013

Slam Poetry Videos by Holly McNish - Food, Language, Love, Womanhood, Human Rights.

 "Kids can't even read the ingredients of their meal time"

 Powerful stance on food rights. Whole Food Nutrition.


 "I'm happy I'm learning Spanish." Activate the left and right brain. Ride the language love train.


 "So I whispered and tiptoed with nervous discretion. But after 6 months of her life sat sitting on lids, Sipping on milk, nostrils sniffing on piss, Trying not to bang her head on toilet roll dispensers, I wonder if these public loo feeds offend her, 'Cause I'm getting tired of discretion and being polite."

 Why not to be embarrassed when a mother feeds her child - from her breast.

 Holly McNish's honest words and delivery on potent topics of food, language, love, womanhood, human rights.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We are made for Goodness - Archibishop Desmond Tutu

  We can all celebrate Archbishop Desmond Tutu's words of wisdom, stated in Adrian Steirn's 21 Icons short film, "In fact, we are made for goodness, which is fantastic!"

Photo by Inge Prins.  Concept: Play Jump Eat, Kelly Wainwright

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Talk Africa - Social Documentary Photographer

I had the pleasure of documenting Durban's Wild Talk Africa 2013 Conference and Film Festival.  This event focuses on the growth of business in the wildlife film industry, hosting international commissioners from broadcasters around the world and showcasing amazing talent and pitches from filmmakers across the African continent.  It also included networking parties, exhibitions, screenings and premiers, along with a film awards ceremony.

  Throughout the three day conference, I was able to weave between open pitching sessions, seminars and workshops that were hosted by inspiring and talented folks.  Durban's sun-filled winter weather added to the vibrant nature of the conference that was organised by the team at Natural History Unit Africa.

 Take a sneak peek at the different faces and scenes that happened in and around Durban's bustling port hotel, Docklands.

 For more photos check out Wild Talk Africa's Facebook page.

Top right: Donfrey Meyer- Wild Talk Festival Director, bottom right & top left: Sky Lab Productions, bottom left: Homebrew Films, Claudio Velasquez Rojas 
Open Pitching Sessions.  Candid shots of BBC's Natural World-Chris Cole's animated feedback
Peter Hamilton of gave such great workshops and seminars. Here's him passing his business card.  I was amazed on how many candid business card exchanges I captured during the conference.

Open Pitching sessions with Commissioners.  Top right: NHU Africa's Vyv Simpson. Middle row: Discovery Channel's Helen Hawken, Bottom left: Off The Fence, Allison Bean. Bottom right: NHK Masahiro Hayakawa, 

Top left: Exhibitors at Wild Talk are having fun.  Top right: TOPTV Content Editorial Mangaer, David Makubyane. Bottom left: Happy Wild Talk Camerman: Nyembezi Ncaba.  Bottom right: Laurent Flahault, TAIA Visions France Television

Pitching Sessions with Top Left: Fox International, Thandi Davids. Right: Thomas Matzek, NHU ORF. Bottom left: Chris Fletcher, Earth Touch

Top left: Dairen Simpson from Triosphere Productions's Trapped, enjoying Durban's sunshine.  Right: Chris Mason, NHU Africa posing in To Skin a Cat's faux leopard fur.  Bottom Left: Julie Frederiksen of Vuleka Productions chatting it up at Docklands Hotel.
Delegates listening during workshops and seminars.  Left:  Nothando Shozi, Head of Factual Genre, SABC

Top left:Thomas Matzek enjoys Durban Wild Talk 2013. Top right: Julian Rademeyer, author of Killing for Profit, chairs a seminar on War Stories: Rhino Poaching.  Bottom Middle: Director of Saving Rhino Phila, Richard Slater-Jones, shares insights during the Wild Talk seminar on Rhino Poaching.

NHK Japan's Masahiro Hayakawa is all smiles after the speed pitching session.

Delegates head out for the Wild Talk networking parties on Durban's beachfront

  For more photo albums check out Wild Talk's Facebook page.

  For documentary photography, contact Athena Lamberis,

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Create-Make-Music: The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

  The Landfill Harmonic is a short film about a community of musicians creating instruments and music out of disposed objects.  This documentation highlights industrious creativity, marginalised communities, and the global language of music.

  Our is world over-consuming, our human population is constantly growing, inequalities continue yet art fosters our hearts to overcome obstacles and create change and influence alternatives.

Friday, July 12, 2013

For Animal-Lovers: Human-Stray Dog Documentary in Chile

 This is for animal-lovers.  This is a short documentary that spreads messages of love.  Two chilean students highlight human-stray dog relations in their urban landscapes.  

Be Kind to the Earth and Buy #Vintage

That's what we thought.  Since we were little girls - - we raided our sister's closests, bought second hand clothes from Evanston's ESCAA sales, created our own style, and now continue to buy vintage clothing that ends up lasting forever (which means our closet space has grown!)

 But now and again, you bring friends and resources together and start a pop-up shop.   And this is what we did.  For the month of July . . . Cape Town's finest pizza meets the best of 60s and 70s vintage clothing.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exposing the Truth: Make something happen.

                                             Follow my blog with Bloglovin

via Exposing The
Draw something, cook something, sing something, build something, make something, Buy Nothing.

 I also would like to add:

 Grow Something
 Share Something
 Trade Something
 Teach Something
 Do Something


Friday, June 21, 2013

Creativity with Food & Videos. Education for Change.

This is creativity  . . . in the kitchen.  What happens when a Music selector makes mashed visual alchemy with a visual artist?
This brilliance.  Enjoy this week's Rhymes and Rhythm Wrap up with two great videos:

Artist Driven | What's Cookin? from LRG on Vimeo.

And now with a strong message on exposing the ills of our modern food systems.  Showcasing the need to take responsibility for our food security, to choose wisely in the world of greed in the seed industry.  What happens when we only are given access to food products that don't nourish us on a cellular level but rather stuff a slow 'death down our throat'?  Dr. Vandana Shiva said it best, "It's more dangerous than bombs."  Let's eat foods that grew naturally from nutrient-rich soil.  Let's support permaculture, bio-dynamic farming practices, small-scale local organic farms--but most of all, turn your community into an edible landscape.  Peace to grass lawns, yes to green beans and wheat grass.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell

    There's a film to be made.  What's the movie all about?
SANTO 7.13.15 is a story that shows our future in 2045 when over population has reached critical levels and food supply can't keep up with demand.

  Read more about it here, and see if film entertainment can actually change people's choices and work to change policy . ..  for our future.

 Back it here:  KICKSTARTER: SANTO 7. 13. 15

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It all started with her love for maps.

jacked from Hannah Wayte

  It all started with her love for maps.  

   Ever since her big brother started darting his journeys on a globe, Athena knew she wanted to travel.  Through her adolescence, she spent summer breaks visiting her yiayia (grandma) in Greece and road tripped through Europe with her uncle, Terry.  She migrated North from her hometown, Evanston, IL and attended Michigan State University to study Education and theories around the globe.  She used studying abroad as a vessel to experience different parts of the world, and with her camera in tow, she completed short and long-term programs in Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Brasil, South Africa, Greece, and Spain.  After college, she taught 2nd grade in Honduras and travelled through Central America.  Later, she founded an after-school arts & environment program and managed a surf Eco-lodge in Nicargua with her South African husband, Chris.  In 2008, they returned to South Africa to begin a new adventure, where her passion for food, film, language and nature collided in the city of Cape Town.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Collective Poetry

A love virgin beneath a canopy of cupcakes, technicolour. With a shot glass full of intrepidation. Oh, but now I love to be by the sea. Surrounded by nymphs celebrating love.A dog keeps us company, cupcakes and champagne on the table. Oh, how I love to be by the sea. Crash boom, bang. It is beautiful to be alone.  It is beautiful to be in love. to be with people and they are complimentary. Not contradictory. Evole evolution. Love Revolution. Living in this warrioress light of infiltration.  Love born in the sultry of the east coast summer, travelled and wisened abroad, settled in the cape where oceans meet, and we feast on the grape, wine, wonderful wenches weekend, what could be happier than celebrating our goddess of virginity, fertility, verility, femininity-champagne and tea! Oh the magic & wonder of the bride to be . . . The valkyrie bliss she brings to me. The great virgin of love, the purest abundant dove. Your union of dreams makes us burst at the seams.  Purple-lilac roller on your solar-flying plane. Your vibe keeps the love breathing, respiring, through violet flashing wings. Love songs with love . ..  For my Tina Athena . . . You are: Beautiful, inspirational, creative spirited.  The love you share with Chris is blissful bountiful and beautiful!  May it be a beacon of light & hope to all . . . A brilliant light a chocolate delight every starry night I see you in sight...soon you’ll take flight LIVE BRIGHT. Holy schmolly miss wiggamolly, nolly 
  written by 10 women on a weekend away in Yzerfontein, South Africa.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Her Love for Horses . . . Off The Track Thoroughbred OTTB qoutes from my sister

This is my sister KOKO and her horse, Lazarus.  She sells clothing apparel with an OTTB graphic and statement that is loved by OTTB owners and lovers.  Join her along for the ride on her blog Sweet Horse's Breath and shop at her Etsy Store OTTB Tee's. Her facebook page is also full of great content to follow: OTTB Tee's FB

The portraits of just her horse, Lazarus, I took when I was visiting her in Michigan.  It's the only horse I actually love, you can understand why by reading her blog.  But also, look at his eyes and giraffe neck . . . swoon.


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