Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2013

Creativity with Food & Videos. Education for Change.

This is creativity  . . . in the kitchen.  What happens when a Music selector makes mashed visual alchemy with a visual artist?
This brilliance.  Enjoy this week's Rhymes and Rhythm Wrap up with two great videos:

Artist Driven | What's Cookin? from LRG on Vimeo.

And now with a strong message on exposing the ills of our modern food systems.  Showcasing the need to take responsibility for our food security, to choose wisely in the world of greed in the seed industry.  What happens when we only are given access to food products that don't nourish us on a cellular level but rather stuff a slow 'death down our throat'?  Dr. Vandana Shiva said it best, "It's more dangerous than bombs."  Let's eat foods that grew naturally from nutrient-rich soil.  Let's support permaculture, bio-dynamic farming practices, small-scale local organic farms--but most of all, turn your community into an edible landscape.  Peace to grass lawns, yes to green beans and wheat grass.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

World Environment Day is Every Day!

Acknowledge and Respect our planet by choosing to eat foods produced by nature.

Learn how to make delicious nourishing food that sustains our soil, our Earth and in return develops a stronger and smarter planet. 

For more inspiration, watch films like Hungry For Change, Food Inc, Food Matters, and the GMO debate: The World according to Monsanto

Let's be a part of the change that teaches children about proper healthy simple nutrition that is not funded by processed white flour food product companies, corn fructose flavours and milk chocolate sugar fake energy bars.

The better we eat, the better we learn, the easier to protect and develop our planet into a healthy home for every living organism.

Happy World Environment Day!


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