Showing posts with label alternative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Create-Make-Music: The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

  The Landfill Harmonic is a short film about a community of musicians creating instruments and music out of disposed objects.  This documentation highlights industrious creativity, marginalised communities, and the global language of music.

  Our is world over-consuming, our human population is constantly growing, inequalities continue yet art fosters our hearts to overcome obstacles and create change and influence alternatives.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exposing the Truth: Make something happen.

                                             Follow my blog with Bloglovin

via Exposing The
Draw something, cook something, sing something, build something, make something, Buy Nothing.

 I also would like to add:

 Grow Something
 Share Something
 Trade Something
 Teach Something
 Do Something


Friday, June 14, 2013

We Can Help Eachother Flourish

Original embroidery by Nina Montenegro

 convey messages
relate to global issues, systems thinking, and communal concerns.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Collective Poetry

A love virgin beneath a canopy of cupcakes, technicolour. With a shot glass full of intrepidation. Oh, but now I love to be by the sea. Surrounded by nymphs celebrating love.A dog keeps us company, cupcakes and champagne on the table. Oh, how I love to be by the sea. Crash boom, bang. It is beautiful to be alone.  It is beautiful to be in love. to be with people and they are complimentary. Not contradictory. Evole evolution. Love Revolution. Living in this warrioress light of infiltration.  Love born in the sultry of the east coast summer, travelled and wisened abroad, settled in the cape where oceans meet, and we feast on the grape, wine, wonderful wenches weekend, what could be happier than celebrating our goddess of virginity, fertility, verility, femininity-champagne and tea! Oh the magic & wonder of the bride to be . . . The valkyrie bliss she brings to me. The great virgin of love, the purest abundant dove. Your union of dreams makes us burst at the seams.  Purple-lilac roller on your solar-flying plane. Your vibe keeps the love breathing, respiring, through violet flashing wings. Love songs with love . ..  For my Tina Athena . . . You are: Beautiful, inspirational, creative spirited.  The love you share with Chris is blissful bountiful and beautiful!  May it be a beacon of light & hope to all . . . A brilliant light a chocolate delight every starry night I see you in sight...soon you’ll take flight LIVE BRIGHT. Holy schmolly miss wiggamolly, nolly 
  written by 10 women on a weekend away in Yzerfontein, South Africa.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Inspiration for 100 in 1 Day Cape Town: Let's Plant Some shit.

When the problem becomes the solution: FOOD.  Growing it and sharing the seeds for a healthy future.  Props to "Let's Plant some SHIT!"  Ron Finley's talk gave insight on what motivated him and his team to grow edible usable greens.
LA Green Grounds is an inspiration to create action, intervention, share ideas.  

On a Cape Town ground level: I wonder what we could come up with at 100 in 1 day: Cape Town facilitated by Kaospilots

On May 25th, 100 in 1 day: Cape Town will be a citizen driven festival of doing, that let's us realise our dreams we want to see and create in our city just like Ron Finley did.   

 I want to see food forests and fruit trees to be at bus stops.  When I walk my dog, I can also bring a bag and pick fruits in my neighbourhood along the way.  I do find fruit trees where I can . . . here are some of my recipes from The Culinary Linguist.

An interesting fact:

"Why did Jan Van Riebeeck plant roses in the Cape? Not for cut flowers, but for rose water"

 - Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche - South African storytelling on a plate (from her talk at EatOut Food Network DsTV Conference in Cape Town)

Now I don't feel so bad picking lemons occasionally from Company Garden's lemon tree in the rose bush section.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Grandma's clothes look incredible" MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - THRIFT SHOP FEAT. WANZ (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube

My friend Mary sent me this link because I'm one of the many girls who has fly dookie brown leather jackets and 99 cent priceless Tshirt from thrift shops around the world.   Love this flavour!  Now when I go to clothes swaps, I end up holding onto the fine cotton threads I've had since 5th grade, and getting rid of the new shit... may just have to do a compilation remix of my thrift journeys from Honduras to Cape Town with Macklemore.  And I am definitely going to use this as inspiration for the next music video I work on :)



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