100in1day_introduction1 - YouTube:
On May 25th, 2013-- Citizens across the world and Cape Town, South Africa will take part in a 100 or more urban interventions across their communities, streets, towns and neighbourhoods created and implemented by every one and any one interested. Inclusive Acts of Experience.
Some interventions may be:
- establishing a public bench with sound equipment for citizen expression, music and message sharing. - urban gardening
- city soup swaps
- installing park equipment
- planting trees
- pasting art
Citizens, organisation, students, children, teachers, rebels, and politicians are invited to voice their dreams through actions, pop-up events, performances, social games, artistic interventions, and urban hacks. Together we will create a diverse and uncontrolled global movement." Orange Innovation-KaosPilots
I visited the KaosPilot's temporary hub for
100 in 1 day Cape Town on 36 Buitenkant Street, upstairs from the Truth Coffee HQ.
I submitted my intervention and invite all of you to become a part of participating in it.
It's called Taxi Cab Lunch: Travel. Experience. Taste. Share.
Instead of asking a cab driver to take you where you want to go, you get in and engage: ask... Where do you like to eat lunch?
This springs into a genuine exchange through a shared common bond we all share…food, a language that connects us across age, background, economic and verbal language barriers. The variety of our interactions may lead to meaningful and genuine exchange between different crosssections of our society, our city. It may also highlight many issues and realities of our city and country beyond it's borders. The taxi cab lunch is a way to bridge our borders and be an aid toward exchange and respect in a cultural diverse canvas … raising our awareness through the experience of food in the culturally plural African city we all share. As we open our minds and palettes, we can share our experiences. Accessing a part of the city through the eyes and stomach of your fellow urban citizen: The learning starts there.
So hop in a cab, and travel, experience, taste and share.
Write, blog, take pictures, GoPro, video, film, audio record and share it across your favourite medium.
Ready, set, . . . May 25th, 2013: Taxi Cub Lunch.