Thursday, November 6, 2008
Voices on Obama: Felix
Voices on Obama: Gary and Eve
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Voices on Obama: Cath and N.D
Voting Abroad
1. Exercise my right
2. Honor and respect the lives who fought for voting rights
3. Be an active citizen for my country and the world
If you are living in another part of the world, take the time to visit and read through
This website will tell you all you need to know about registering, requesting an absentee ballot, and sending it to your city clerk in the last state you registered in. Note: U.S. Embassies may provide a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot if you have not received your absentee ballot, but YOU have to send it through to your local election officials. Each state votes on different issues, so it is important to request your state specific ballot in advanced.
Register and Request your ballot today.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Why does the US vote on Tuesday?
"In 1845, before Florida, California, and Texas were states or slavery had been abolished, Congress needed to pick a time for Americans to vote. We were an agrarian society. We traveled by horse and buggy. Farmers needed a day to get to the county seat, a day to vote, and a day to get back, without interfering with the three days of worship. So that left Tuesday and Wednesday, but Wednesday was market day. So, Tuesday it was. In 1875 Congress extended the Tuesday date for national House elections and in 1914 for federal Senate elections.
Today, we are an urban society, and we all know how hard it is to commute to our jobs, take care of the children, and get our work done, let alone stand on lines to vote. Indeed, Census data over the last decade clearly indicates that the inconvenience of voting is the primary reason Americans are not participating in our elections.
If we can move Columbus Day, Presidents’ Day, and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Holiday for the convenience of shoppers, why not make Election Day more convenient for the sake of voters? First and foremost, it is time to end the deafening silence of good people on this vitally important issue.
So we ask: Why Tuesday?"
Contact your congressional representatives and ask them to make Election Day a National Holiday.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
snoek at kalk bay
“Is there any snoek? Where’s the snoek?”And they ignore all the other fish, yeah I had twenty five snoek yesterday that I got from somebody.. and all the other fish was lying down and they just picked the snoek most the times.
What it is, its um, how can I explain this now…it’s a, it can feed about the whole family and there’s leftovers.. your money can go further with that . . . more food with the snoek. Yes. It’s cheaper… it was R25 rand and some people took three some two and so there. Yeah’