Monday, October 25, 2010

Oceans: See Life

 I saw the nature documentary film, Oceans, by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud.

 Visually stunning footage of life below captivating me to sea/see life instead of sea/see food and understanding a human role of not using the Ocean as a commercial source but rather as a part of our living natural cycle.

 I read that human's blood and seawater are almost identical in chemical constituency. The Ocean is our life line, not in terms of being a source of seafood, but in seeing life and respecting it.

The Ocean produces half of the Earth's oxygen, so in making efforts to help reverse the negative human impacts to the ocean, you can decide if you are waiting to inhale.

1 comment:

Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

As a lover, admit-tingly, of seafood, I try to limit my feed of it as to not encourage the MASS fishing and taking. It's a constant challenge but I've given up some sources all together for fear of being extinct. Crab legs..good thing they are expensive! ;)


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