Showing posts with label cultural activism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cultural activism. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our Socially Constructed Jungle - Poem by Athena Lamberis

Socially Constructed Jungle
by Athena Lamberis

Over the seas
 Far away
In the neck 
Of the jungle
Trees cast shadows on our eyes

Until we wake up
We won't realise
We grew this jungle deep
and under these trees
I weep.

Don't deny that the trees grew
but were planted by you.
Don't forget that the sun is above.

We all belong
All belong to the roots.
We are the children of the bark.

Awaken to truths
we create clouds
to covers the skies
Under these trees

Under these trees
I weep
Under these trees
We weep.


Let's consider and understand
 this socially constructed jungle
we live in will suffocate us all
if we don't recognise the harm
it has caused by the seeds
from which it was planted.

Dedicated to lives lost
 families in pain
Our global community mourns
A plea for
Truth and Reconciliation
For hate crimes across
the Globe.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything"

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Funny Thing about Social Media - see what happens in real life . . .

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 Social Media is an amazing tool however when the word 'media' gets replaced with "real life experiment, see what happens when the LED screen is no longer between you and the people you are connected with.

  Check out this clever improv video of the delightfully cheeky Jena Kingsley.

She explains: " Social networking is completely out of control these days. But do the things we do online make sense in real life? Follow me as as I test social media activity on unsuspecting New Yorkers! I partnered with Relationship Science and their new app MINE by RelSci ( "

Monday, March 17, 2014

Public art meets crowd-funding for social change #ANOTHERLIGHTUP in Cape Town, South Africa

 On De Waal Drive, driving out of the city bowl in Cape Town, South Africa, you have the view of the Cape peninsula's valley also known to many people as The Flats.  The Flats extends all the way to areas like Monwabisi, a sub-area of Khayelitsha, one of Cape Town's most populated districts.

 On that same drive, you can see the new Urban Visionary, a multi-storey mural and light installation created by the founders of Thingking and artist Faith47.  They collaborated on the new design and have enabled public street art to be a catalyst for change through crowdfunding for a social cause.  They aim to raise funds for public street lights to be installed in Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha, through the organisation VPUU (Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading).  For every light that is funded for in Monwabisi, the Urban Visionary mural is lit up in the evening- inspiring and engaging more people to become more active members in their society through #anotherlightup

 To read more about it here and to donate to #anotherlightup:

About the project | #ANOTHERLIGHTUP

#ANOTHERLIGHTUP from Design Indaba on Vimeo.

The mural on the same wall before Feb 2014 Urban Visionary #anotherlightup was put up

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Learn the ism's: Consumerism Lyric Video-Lauryn Hill

"Television running through them like an organism"

If you haven't learned all your scism's and ism's, Lauryn Hill's will teach you on her new track Consumerism.  In her official statement she says, “Messages like these, I imagine find their audience, or their audience finds them, like water seeking it’s level.

Lauryn Hill – Consumerism Lyrics | Rap Genius

Monday, October 21, 2013

Slam Poetry Videos by Holly McNish - Food, Language, Love, Womanhood, Human Rights.

 "Kids can't even read the ingredients of their meal time"

 Powerful stance on food rights. Whole Food Nutrition.


 "I'm happy I'm learning Spanish." Activate the left and right brain. Ride the language love train.


 "So I whispered and tiptoed with nervous discretion. But after 6 months of her life sat sitting on lids, Sipping on milk, nostrils sniffing on piss, Trying not to bang her head on toilet roll dispensers, I wonder if these public loo feeds offend her, 'Cause I'm getting tired of discretion and being polite."

 Why not to be embarrassed when a mother feeds her child - from her breast.

 Holly McNish's honest words and delivery on potent topics of food, language, love, womanhood, human rights.

Friday, July 12, 2013

For Animal-Lovers: Human-Stray Dog Documentary in Chile

 This is for animal-lovers.  This is a short documentary that spreads messages of love.  Two chilean students highlight human-stray dog relations in their urban landscapes.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exposing the Truth: Make something happen.

                                             Follow my blog with Bloglovin

via Exposing The
Draw something, cook something, sing something, build something, make something, Buy Nothing.

 I also would like to add:

 Grow Something
 Share Something
 Trade Something
 Teach Something
 Do Something


Friday, June 21, 2013

Creativity with Food & Videos. Education for Change.

This is creativity  . . . in the kitchen.  What happens when a Music selector makes mashed visual alchemy with a visual artist?
This brilliance.  Enjoy this week's Rhymes and Rhythm Wrap up with two great videos:

Artist Driven | What's Cookin? from LRG on Vimeo.

And now with a strong message on exposing the ills of our modern food systems.  Showcasing the need to take responsibility for our food security, to choose wisely in the world of greed in the seed industry.  What happens when we only are given access to food products that don't nourish us on a cellular level but rather stuff a slow 'death down our throat'?  Dr. Vandana Shiva said it best, "It's more dangerous than bombs."  Let's eat foods that grew naturally from nutrient-rich soil.  Let's support permaculture, bio-dynamic farming practices, small-scale local organic farms--but most of all, turn your community into an edible landscape.  Peace to grass lawns, yes to green beans and wheat grass.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turkey in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action | Indiegogo

What will placing an ad in the New York Times do?  This is just one of the ways messages can be spread and advertisements for what we can change rather than profit gain.  

This could also be done to overcome other issues that are even embedded in culture.  To reverse the use of Rhino horn.  To support non-GMO foods.  To take responsibility for eachother, in solidarity.

What is Happening in Turkey? 

People of Turkey have spoken: We will not be oppressed!

Millions are outraged by the violent reaction of their government to a peaceful protest aimed at saving Istanbul’s Gezi Park.

Outraged, yet not surprised.

Over the course of Prime Minister Erdoğan’s ten-year term, we have witnessed a steady erosion of our civil rights and freedoms. Arrests of numerous journalists, artists, and elected officials and restrictions on freedom of speech, minorities’ and women’s rights all demonstrate that the ruling party is not serious about democracy.

Time and again, the Prime Minister has mocked and trivialized his nation’s concerns while Turkey’s own media have remained shamefully silent.

The people protesting bravely throughout Turkey are ordinary citizens. We span several generations and represent a spectrum of ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, ideological, sexual, and gender identities. We stand united because of our concern for Turkey’s future. Our future.

We demand an end to police brutality.
We demand a free media.
We demand open democratic dialogue between citizens and those elected to public service, not the dictates of special interests.
We demand an investigation of the government’s recent abuse of power, which has led to the loss of innocent lives.

Join the conversation and stand with us in solidarity.

Crowdfunded Entirely by Concerned Individuals from Around the World

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Taxi Cab Lunch: 100 in 1 day Cape Town-A social movement for citizen-powered change

100in1day_introduction1 - YouTube:

 On May 25th, 2013-- Citizens across the world and Cape Town, South Africa will take part in a 100 or more urban interventions across their communities, streets, towns and neighbourhoods created and implemented by every one and any one interested. Inclusive Acts of Experience.

 Some interventions may be:
 - establishing a public bench with sound equipment for citizen expression, music and message sharing.    - urban gardening
 - city soup swaps
 - installing park equipment
 - planting trees
 - pasting art

 "Citizens, organisation, students, children, teachers, rebels, and politicians are invited to voice their dreams through actions, pop-up events, performances, social games, artistic interventions, and urban hacks. Together we will create a diverse and uncontrolled global movement."  Orange Innovation-KaosPilots

 I visited the KaosPilot's temporary hub for 100 in 1 day Cape Town on 36 Buitenkant Street, upstairs from the Truth Coffee HQ.

I submitted my intervention and invite all of you to become a part of participating in it.

It's called Taxi Cab Lunch: Travel. Experience. Taste. Share.

  Instead of asking a cab driver to take you where you want to go, you get in and engage: ask... Where do you like to  eat lunch?  

 This springs into a genuine exchange through a shared common bond we all share…food, a language that connects us across age, background, economic and verbal language barriers. The variety of our interactions may lead to meaningful and genuine exchange between different crosssections of our society, our city.  It may also highlight many issues and realities of our city and country beyond it's borders.  The taxi cab lunch is a way to bridge our borders and be an aid toward exchange and respect in a cultural diverse canvas … raising our awareness through the experience of food in the culturally plural African city we all share.  As we open our minds and palettes, we can share our experiences. Accessing a part of the city through the eyes and stomach of your fellow urban citizen: The learning starts there.  

 So hop in a cab, and travel, experience, taste and share.  

 Write, blog,  take pictures, GoPro, video, film, audio record and share it across your favourite medium.  

  Send me a link and share your thoughts.  Be inspired!  I was . . .

 Ready, set, . . .  May 25th, 2013: Taxi Cub Lunch.


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