Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dance like a girl: B-Girl Terra

I don't post about cute cats.  But dance videos?  Yes.  I  get goosebumps when I see videos like these.  The best ones always are of children with boundless energy of children.  I couldn't help notice her little shoelaces came undone before the camera cut to her putting on her elbow guards and hat :)

 Today at Secret Sunrise, I jumped around with a 6 year old, and she didn't stop dancings.  She wasn't not tired.   No heavy breathing, fatigue, or feeling like it's time to stop.  Me on the other hand was wondering hwo long I could keep up with her.  I had to stop. She kept on going.

  I noticed the same from B Girl Terra.  No deep breathing, just a pure clear vessel of movement, focus, agility and skill.  She doesn't stop.

 Can't wait to see what more she shares with the world.
Jungle - Platoon from Jungle on Vimeo.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day, Your Self, Ego and Jim Carrey's speech

Jai Guru Dev

 Jim Carrey speaks truthfully to graduates of Maharashi University of Management in 2014 about fear and the act of love in all things we do, from about 10 mins of the video.

 But in respect for Father's Day, his speech points out how lessons we learn sometimes come directly from our families and those close to us.

 He explains from minute - 11:19-11:52

 "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."

   -Jim Carrey, comedian


Have a look!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our Socially Constructed Jungle - Poem by Athena Lamberis

Socially Constructed Jungle
by Athena Lamberis

Over the seas
 Far away
In the neck 
Of the jungle
Trees cast shadows on our eyes

Until we wake up
We won't realise
We grew this jungle deep
and under these trees
I weep.

Don't deny that the trees grew
but were planted by you.
Don't forget that the sun is above.

We all belong
All belong to the roots.
We are the children of the bark.

Awaken to truths
we create clouds
to covers the skies
Under these trees

Under these trees
I weep
Under these trees
We weep.


Let's consider and understand
 this socially constructed jungle
we live in will suffocate us all
if we don't recognise the harm
it has caused by the seeds
from which it was planted.

Dedicated to lives lost
 families in pain
Our global community mourns
A plea for
Truth and Reconciliation
For hate crimes across
the Globe.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything"

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Funny Thing about Social Media - see what happens in real life . . .

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

 Social Media is an amazing tool however when the word 'media' gets replaced with "real life experiment, see what happens when the LED screen is no longer between you and the people you are connected with.

  Check out this clever improv video of the delightfully cheeky Jena Kingsley.

She explains: " Social networking is completely out of control these days. But do the things we do online make sense in real life? Follow me as as I test social media activity on unsuspecting New Yorkers! I partnered with Relationship Science and their new app MINE by RelSci ( "

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

" What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs" -Rumi

“What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs.”
― Rumi

Violence is an act without soul.
Direct life in love
Anger won't last
and we will be
Direct in what we see
Soul will fill
Love will lead.

 -Athena Lambers


Monday, March 17, 2014

Public art meets crowd-funding for social change #ANOTHERLIGHTUP in Cape Town, South Africa

 On De Waal Drive, driving out of the city bowl in Cape Town, South Africa, you have the view of the Cape peninsula's valley also known to many people as The Flats.  The Flats extends all the way to areas like Monwabisi, a sub-area of Khayelitsha, one of Cape Town's most populated districts.

 On that same drive, you can see the new Urban Visionary, a multi-storey mural and light installation created by the founders of Thingking and artist Faith47.  They collaborated on the new design and have enabled public street art to be a catalyst for change through crowdfunding for a social cause.  They aim to raise funds for public street lights to be installed in Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha, through the organisation VPUU (Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading).  For every light that is funded for in Monwabisi, the Urban Visionary mural is lit up in the evening- inspiring and engaging more people to become more active members in their society through #anotherlightup

 To read more about it here and to donate to #anotherlightup:

About the project | #ANOTHERLIGHTUP

#ANOTHERLIGHTUP from Design Indaba on Vimeo.

The mural on the same wall before Feb 2014 Urban Visionary #anotherlightup was put up

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Care-free With Cancer. The power of the creative spirit

 If only for one second,  you will see how documenting emotion and bridging creative thinking can make us all smile - if only for one second.

  Props to the this wonderful concept and strength to the individuals and families living with loved ones with cancer.

 MIMI Foundation "If only for One Second" project

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Learn the ism's: Consumerism Lyric Video-Lauryn Hill

"Television running through them like an organism"

If you haven't learned all your scism's and ism's, Lauryn Hill's will teach you on her new track Consumerism.  In her official statement she says, “Messages like these, I imagine find their audience, or their audience finds them, like water seeking it’s level.

Lauryn Hill – Consumerism Lyrics | Rap Genius


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