Monday, October 21, 2013

Slam Poetry Videos by Holly McNish - Food, Language, Love, Womanhood, Human Rights.

 "Kids can't even read the ingredients of their meal time"

 Powerful stance on food rights. Whole Food Nutrition.


 "I'm happy I'm learning Spanish." Activate the left and right brain. Ride the language love train.


 "So I whispered and tiptoed with nervous discretion. But after 6 months of her life sat sitting on lids, Sipping on milk, nostrils sniffing on piss, Trying not to bang her head on toilet roll dispensers, I wonder if these public loo feeds offend her, 'Cause I'm getting tired of discretion and being polite."

 Why not to be embarrassed when a mother feeds her child - from her breast.

 Holly McNish's honest words and delivery on potent topics of food, language, love, womanhood, human rights.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We are made for Goodness - Archibishop Desmond Tutu

  We can all celebrate Archbishop Desmond Tutu's words of wisdom, stated in Adrian Steirn's 21 Icons short film, "In fact, we are made for goodness, which is fantastic!"

Photo by Inge Prins.  Concept: Play Jump Eat, Kelly Wainwright

Friday, August 9, 2013

Eid Mubarak

 athena lamberis

 athena lamberis

 athena lamberis

  Eid Mubarak to people around the globe.  My interest in reading, sharing, writing and documenting moments in people's lives around food grows.  Here are some images  I captured and found that bring and smile to my face.

source: kreativita FB

market in Malaysia.  Financial Time Blog

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Talk Africa - Social Documentary Photographer

I had the pleasure of documenting Durban's Wild Talk Africa 2013 Conference and Film Festival.  This event focuses on the growth of business in the wildlife film industry, hosting international commissioners from broadcasters around the world and showcasing amazing talent and pitches from filmmakers across the African continent.  It also included networking parties, exhibitions, screenings and premiers, along with a film awards ceremony.

  Throughout the three day conference, I was able to weave between open pitching sessions, seminars and workshops that were hosted by inspiring and talented folks.  Durban's sun-filled winter weather added to the vibrant nature of the conference that was organised by the team at Natural History Unit Africa.

 Take a sneak peek at the different faces and scenes that happened in and around Durban's bustling port hotel, Docklands.

 For more photos check out Wild Talk Africa's Facebook page.

Top right: Donfrey Meyer- Wild Talk Festival Director, bottom right & top left: Sky Lab Productions, bottom left: Homebrew Films, Claudio Velasquez Rojas 
Open Pitching Sessions.  Candid shots of BBC's Natural World-Chris Cole's animated feedback
Peter Hamilton of gave such great workshops and seminars. Here's him passing his business card.  I was amazed on how many candid business card exchanges I captured during the conference.

Open Pitching sessions with Commissioners.  Top right: NHU Africa's Vyv Simpson. Middle row: Discovery Channel's Helen Hawken, Bottom left: Off The Fence, Allison Bean. Bottom right: NHK Masahiro Hayakawa, 

Top left: Exhibitors at Wild Talk are having fun.  Top right: TOPTV Content Editorial Mangaer, David Makubyane. Bottom left: Happy Wild Talk Camerman: Nyembezi Ncaba.  Bottom right: Laurent Flahault, TAIA Visions France Television

Pitching Sessions with Top Left: Fox International, Thandi Davids. Right: Thomas Matzek, NHU ORF. Bottom left: Chris Fletcher, Earth Touch

Top left: Dairen Simpson from Triosphere Productions's Trapped, enjoying Durban's sunshine.  Right: Chris Mason, NHU Africa posing in To Skin a Cat's faux leopard fur.  Bottom Left: Julie Frederiksen of Vuleka Productions chatting it up at Docklands Hotel.
Delegates listening during workshops and seminars.  Left:  Nothando Shozi, Head of Factual Genre, SABC

Top left:Thomas Matzek enjoys Durban Wild Talk 2013. Top right: Julian Rademeyer, author of Killing for Profit, chairs a seminar on War Stories: Rhino Poaching.  Bottom Middle: Director of Saving Rhino Phila, Richard Slater-Jones, shares insights during the Wild Talk seminar on Rhino Poaching.

NHK Japan's Masahiro Hayakawa is all smiles after the speed pitching session.

Delegates head out for the Wild Talk networking parties on Durban's beachfront

  For more photo albums check out Wild Talk's Facebook page.

  For documentary photography, contact Athena Lamberis,

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Create-Make-Music: The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

  The Landfill Harmonic is a short film about a community of musicians creating instruments and music out of disposed objects.  This documentation highlights industrious creativity, marginalised communities, and the global language of music.

  Our is world over-consuming, our human population is constantly growing, inequalities continue yet art fosters our hearts to overcome obstacles and create change and influence alternatives.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"You have to have style." -Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele

 "I like to play,"  confesses Stylist Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele.  In this clip she explains her hate for runway and trends but her love for tracksuits.
 Some style wisdom:  "Chic is not money. You have to have style."

 Let's run with that!  X

Justice, Travyon & Historian Robin D.G. Kelley . . .

Sense Masala: athena lamberis perspective blog-Justice in USA

"The point is that justice was always going to elude Trayvon Martin, not because the system failed, but because it worked. Martin died and Zimmerman walked because our entire political and legal foundations were built on an ideology of settler colonialism—an ideology in which the protection of white property rights was always sacrosanct; predators and threats to those privileges were almost always black, brown, and red; and where the very purpose of police power was to discipline, monitor, and contain populations rendered a threat to white property and privilege. This has been the legal standard for African Americans and other racialized groups in the U.S. long before ALEC or the NRA came into being. We were rendered property in slavery, and a threat to property in freedom. And during the brief moment in the 1860s and ‘70s, when former slaves participated in democracy, held political offices, and insisted on the rights of citizenship, it was a well-armed (white) citizenry that overthrew democratically-elected governments in the South, assassinated black political leaders, stripped African-Americans of virtually all citizenship rights (the franchise, the right of habeas corpus, right of free speech and assembly, etc.), and turned an entire people into predators."-Robin D.G. Kelley

Sunday, July 14, 2013

This is how I trained my dog.

                       Add four paws, down feathers, and two heartbeats = sweet dreams.


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